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Audio Singularity Releases FREE Amp Sim

Writer's picture: Vasanth DavidVasanth David

Audio Singularity has released Neurontube and FREE Amp Simulator featuring Soldano SLO-100 and Laney TF300 amp models.

The more you play with neurontube: debut, the more passionate you will be about playing guitar. You get the whole package: from the insane roar of american high gain, to the british clean bliss. Damn, you even get the edge-of-breakup tones that you know and love.

All this combined with boutique stomp pedals modeled using advanced artificial intelligence techniques, hand picked cabinets and mics captured with precision overkill, which definitely makes neurontube: debut unique in tone.

neurontube: debut ships with these amazing pedals for maximum control over your tones. Here they are:

COMPRESSOR: as the name says, a compressor pedal, that makes controlling your signal volume easy.

BURN: distortion/fuzz pedal. It lets you go from a edge-of-breakup Centaur-like sound, to giving you the low end tightness of tubescreamers, to amp melting fuzz. It covers it all.

CHORUS: chorus pedal, for this one we went for a vintage chorus modulation. Sounds great at speedy rate 80’s tones, or slow rate fulfilling chords, beautiful stuff. Boosting the feedback/depth you can get to the psychedelic side of this pedal.

TIME MACHINE: our delay pedal, based on a hand picked analog delay pedal, was designed to filter off annoying treble frequencies, making it sound darker than most digital made delays. Control the time, feedback and mix.

THE ROOM: a studio room reverb pedal. Control the room size, the reflection brilliance and the mix. You can even control the position of the pedal on the chain of your signal: pre or post the amp (loop fx like).

System Requirement

▷ Windows 10

▷ OSX 10.12 to up-to-date macOS versions

Download Here 👇🏾

1 Comment

Chief Runnin' Beatz
Chief Runnin' Beatz
Jan 10, 2023

Won't verify on Mac

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